Sunday, November 3, 2013

Anne's Hair

I do not think that Anne's hair makes her behave badly because she could have brown hair and still behave badly. It's just personality. I just cannot believe she said, "I could endure everything if only my hair was a handsome auburn," Looks aren't everything! Anne in my opinion, should stop thinking about her looks, and start learning. Anne's behavior is not dependent on her looks, if that was true almost everybody would be misbehaving. Frankly everybody thinks about their looks too much, especially women. I think women worry about looks in order to impress other people. You should worry about yourself and not what other people think about you. 
The Author-Elise Mc Millen Age 9

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Beauty Chain

In my entry the ovals are getting bigger and that represents growth. First you believe you can do something, then you dream about it, after that you have an idea. After that you inspire the world  with your idea.

My first inspiration for this was that my fourth grade class was studying the food chain. I thought that reflections  art contest was next week and I thought what if instead of a bigger predator eating a smaller predator, what if the smaller predator got bigger and bigger and became more beautiful and inspired other creatures. Imagine doing that with your ideas, make your own beauty chain!

The Author Elise Mc Millen age 9!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Teachers aren't always the bad guys

Why do naughty kids get more attention in school instead of the good kids. Well number one, its usually because they make too much noise, shout out or talk over the teacher. So the teacher has to say stop it, while all of the good kids are just sitting there waiting for that person to go to the principal's office.
Another thing naughty kids might be being to aggressive physically then we have to wait until the kid gets a lecture then gets a referral. The good kids have to sit there and wait for it  all to be over then we can keep on learning, its a constant disruption. When my teacher has to say over and over, remember to raise your hand it just gets in the way of learning. I feel bad for teachers because they have to deal with the bad kids while being able to teach them and the good kids. Its a real challenge to be a teacher. My mom would probably know because she is one. What kids don't know about teacher is that   teachers work at home. Kids think the teacher gets time off while the kids are learning, that is so not true. I have helped my mom grade at home and its hard. So don't think that your teacher gets time off while you are not at school. You might be angry about homework on weekends but remember she is grading and she doesn't get time off when you are doing homework.  So don't think your teacher is a bad guy she is hard on you because she likes you. My mom always tells kids that, I'm hard on you because I love you. So teacher's aren't the bad guys, kids can be the bad guys sometimes.

The Author Elise Mc Millen

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Environmental Change

I have noticed a lot that animals don't have homes because humans have taken over their environments. We need to save the animals. We need to save the ocean, the forests, we are messing up the food chain. These are some ways to try to save animals. 

1. Do not pollute the ocean, recycle your plastic and don't throw away plastic bags. Bring your own cloth bag with you to the store. Plastic bags look like food to predators so if a turtle says, um I'd like to have a snack there is a jelly fish the turtle might choke if that jelly fish is actually a plastic bag.

Sea bird with plastic in its belly
photo by Chris Jordan
2. Clean up garbage, there is so much garbage everywhere now. Its just gross, you see it at the street in the park, even on trails in the woods. Garbage can choke animals and hurt their habitats. So please  don't litter.

3. Stop using pesticide, it hurts honey bees. I know you might think, I hate bees. But they are very good insects, bees pollinate flowers without bees they wouldn't bloom. The flowers would droop shrivel up and die without bees.

4. Stay out of bat caves because white nose bat syndrome started with a person walking into a bat cave with gross fungus on their shoes. The disease has killed thousands of bats in America.

White nose bat syndrome
5. Don't chop down trees. You are ruining animals habitats when you are doing this. You are also hurting humans habitat because trees create oxygen which we need to breathe. 

In conclusion, I'd like to say that I hope you will act upon these things. Especially this last one."A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs./year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support 2 human beings." - McAliney, Mike

The author Elise Mc Millen

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bullys and Babys

My cousin and her mom
Katherine is my new cousin she is four months old. She has really tiny eyes and feet. She is the cutest little thing on earth. She got baptized yesterday. I figured out how to make her scream and coo and laugh. I think she gets most of the attention but that is what its like to have a younger cousin. Its fun playing around with her, she will smile and it makes me feel better. Wouldn't it make somebody feel worse if they were to bully a baby or anyone else really? So why do they bully, it doesn't make them feel better it makes them feel worse. Do they do it because they think it makes them feel better? That is just wrong. Being around a baby makes me think about bullying because when you make a baby smile it makes you feel better and when you make them cry it makes you feel worse. It is almost like everyone has very sensetive spots in their hearts and a bully just goes there and picks on it and picks on it and picks on it. Like once at school I had a bullying problem this girl and I had a staring contest and I did somethings that were pretty silly. She kind of punched me playfully. Then she said if you do that again the punch will hurt more. Of course that was only once and other people have bigger problems that was just a little one. 
The Author Elise Mc Millen