1. Do not pollute the ocean, recycle your plastic and don't throw away plastic bags. Bring your own cloth bag with you to the store. Plastic bags look like food to predators so if a turtle says, um I'd like to have a snack there is a jelly fish the turtle might choke if that jelly fish is actually a plastic bag.
Sea bird with plastic in its belly photo by Chris Jordan |
3. Stop using pesticide, it hurts honey bees. I know you might think, I hate bees. But they are very good insects, bees pollinate flowers without bees they wouldn't bloom. The flowers would droop shrivel up and die without bees.
4. Stay out of bat caves because white nose bat syndrome started with a person walking into a bat cave with gross fungus on their shoes. The disease has killed thousands of bats in America.
White nose bat syndrome |
In conclusion, I'd like to say that I hope you will act upon these things. Especially this last one."A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs./year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support 2 human beings." - McAliney, Mike
The author Elise Mc Millen |